

L'EPICIER:002 Puttabong First Flush 2005(100g) →消費中 石垣食品 凍頂烏龍茶(30g、ティーバッグ、未開封) Tully's:Jabali Blend(200g) →消費中 えいこく屋 香りの緑茶 もも(48g、ティーバッグ、未開封) Stassen:Chai(50g、ティーバッグ、未開…

"Blue & Green" Virginia Woolf

GREEN THE POINTED FINGERS of glass hang downwards. The light slides down the glass, and drops a pool of green. All day long the ten fingers of the lustre drop green upon the marble. The feathers of parakeetsュtheir harsh criesュsharp blade…